How To Grow Beetroot in Australia

Quick Guide: Growing Beetroot in Australia

  • Optimal Growing Temperatures: Between 7°C and 25°C.
  • Ready to Harvest: 7-10 weeks after planting.
  • Space Between Plants: Plant 20-30 cm apart.
  • Companion Plants: Dill, Peas, Strawberries... (See More)
  • Plants to Avoid: Asparagus, Carrots, Spinach... (See More)
  • Plant Type: Seed.

When to Plant Beetroots in Australia

Australia Map


Best planting months for Beetroots in the Tropical regions are February to June. This includes areas like Cairns, Darwin, and Broome.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec


For the Subtropical region, Beetroots can be planted all year round. Cities in the Subtropical region include Brisbane, Central Coast, and Sydney.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec


Beetroots can be planted year round except for the months May and June in the Temperate regions of Australia. Cities in the Temperate region include Melbourne, Adelaide, Geelong, and Perth.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec


For the Cool region, Beetroots can be planted from January to April and August to December. Cities in the Cool region include alpine regions of Victoria and Tasmania.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec


Best planting months for Beetroots in the Arid region is February to December.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Choosing Beetroot Varieties

When it comes to growing beetroot in your organic garden in Australia, selecting the right beetroot varieties is essential for a successful harvest. In this section, we will explore popular beetroot varieties for Australian gardens and considerations for organic gardeners.

  1. Bulls Blood: This variety is known for its deep red foliage, making it an attractive choice for both ornamental and culinary purposes. The roots have a sweet and earthy flavour, making them perfect for salads or roasting.
  2. Detroit Dark Red: A classic beetroot variety, Detroit Dark Red produces round and smooth roots with a deep crimson colour. It has a sweet flavour and is versatile in the kitchen, ideal for pickling, roasting, or juicing.
  3. Chioggia: Chioggia, also known as Candy Stripe Beetroot, features vibrant pink and white concentric rings when sliced. It has a mild and sweet flavor, making it a delightful addition to salads and garnishes.
  4. Golden Beetroot: As the name suggests, this variety produces vibrant golden-yellow roots. Golden beetroot has a milder and sweeter taste compared to its red counterparts. It adds a pop of colour and flavour to salads and can be roasted or steamed.
  5. Cylindra: Cylindra beetroot is known for its cylindrical shape, making it easier to slice and prepare. It has a deep red colour and a sweet taste. The uniform slices are perfect for pickling or adding to sandwiches.

Consider these popular beetroot varieties when planning your organic garden, and choose the ones that best suit your taste preferences and culinary needs.

Considerations for Organic Gardeners

For organic gardeners, it is important to select beetroot varieties that are well-suited for organic cultivation and have natural resistance to common pests and diseases. Look for varieties that are labelled as organic, heirloom, or open-pollinated. These varieties are typically more resilient and can thrive without synthetic pesticides or fertilisers.

Additionally, consider the days to maturity for each beetroot variety. This refers to the time it takes for the roots to fully develop. Opting for varieties with shorter maturity periods can ensure a quicker harvest, especially in regions with shorter growing seasons.

Remember to source your beetroot seeds or transplants from reputable suppliers that specialize in organic and heirloom varieties. This will help ensure the quality and integrity of your organic garden.

By carefully selecting the right beetroot varieties and considering the needs of organic gardening, you can enjoy a bountiful harvest of delicious and nutritious beetroots in your Australian garden. For more information on growing various vegetables, check out our comprehensive guides on how to grow burdock, how to grow Jerusalem artichoke, and how to grow horseradish.

Planting Beetroot

When it comes to growing beetroot in your organic garden, proper planting techniques are essential for success. In this section, we will discuss preparing the soil for beetroot planting and the methods of sowing beetroot seeds or transplants.

Preparing the Soil for Beetroot Planting

Before planting beetroot, it's crucial to ensure that the soil is well-prepared and enriched with organic matter. Beetroot thrives in loose, well-draining soil with a pH level ranging from 6.0 to 7.5. Follow these steps to prepare the soil for beetroot planting:

  1. Clear the area: Remove any weeds, rocks, or debris from the planting area to create a clean and suitable environment for your beetroot plants.
  2. Loosen the soil: Use a garden fork or a tiller to loosen the soil to a depth of about 8-10 inches. This helps improve aeration and allows the beetroot roots to penetrate the soil easily.
  3. Amend with organic matter: Incorporate well-rotted compost or aged manure into the soil to increase its fertility and improve moisture retention. This organic matter helps nourish the plants and promotes healthy growth.
  4. Break up clumps: Break up any large clumps of soil and remove any remaining rocks or roots. This ensures a smooth and even bed for planting your beetroot seeds or transplants.

Sowing Beetroot Seeds or Transplants

Beetroot can be grown from either seeds or transplants, depending on your preference. Here are the steps for both methods:

Sowing Beetroot Seeds

  1. Direct sowing: If you choose to sow beetroot seeds directly into the garden bed, create furrows or shallow trenches about 1 inch deep. Space the furrows 12-18 inches apart to allow adequate room for the beetroot plants to grow.
  2. Seed spacing: Sow the beetroot seeds thinly along the furrows, ensuring a spacing of approximately 2-3 inches between each seed. Cover the seeds with a thin layer of soil and gently pat it down to secure them in place.
  3. Watering: After sowing the seeds, water the area gently but thoroughly. Keep the soil consistently moist throughout the germination and growing process, taking care not to overwater and cause waterlogging.

Planting Beetroot Transplants

  1. Transplant selection: If you prefer to use transplants, purchase healthy beetroot seedlings from a reputable nursery or start your own seedlings indoors, following the recommended germination guidelines.
  2. Transplanting: Dig small holes in the prepared soil, spacing them 12-18 inches apart. Carefully remove the beetroot seedlings from their containers or seed trays, being mindful not to damage the roots. Place each seedling into a hole and gently firm the soil around it.
  3. Watering: After transplanting, water the seedlings thoroughly to help them establish in their new environment. Maintain regular watering to keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged.

Whether you choose to sow beetroot seeds directly or use transplants, ensure that they receive adequate sunlight, ideally 6-8 hours per day. Regularly monitor the soil moisture levels, providing additional water during dry periods. By following these planting techniques, you'll be on your way to growing healthy and vibrant beetroot in your organic garden. For more information on growing other vegetables, such as yams, turnips, and radishes, check out our A-Z Grow Guides.

Caring for Beetroot Plants

To ensure healthy growth and a bountiful harvest, proper care is essential for beetroot plants. This section will cover important aspects of caring for your beetroot plants, including watering and irrigation, fertilising and mulching, and weed control and companion planting.

Watering and Irrigation Tips for Beetroot

Beetroot plants require consistent moisture throughout their growth cycle. Adequate watering is crucial to prevent the roots from becoming tough or woody. Water deeply and regularly to keep the soil evenly moist, but avoid overwatering, as excessive moisture can lead to rot or disease.

A good rule of thumb is to provide about 1 inch (2.5 cm) of water per week, either through rainfall or irrigation. To maintain moisture levels, consider using drip irrigation or soaker hoses to deliver water directly to the soil, minimising evaporation and reducing the risk of foliar diseases.

Fertilising and Mulching Beetroot Plants

Beetroot plants benefit from regular fertilisation to promote healthy growth and root development. Prior to planting, incorporate compost or well-rotted manure into the soil to provide essential nutrients. This will help improve soil fertility and enhance the overall health of your plants.

During the growing season, it's recommended to apply a balanced organic fertiliser, such as composted chicken manure or fish emulsion, every 4-6 weeks. Follow the package instructions for application rates and timing. This will ensure that your beetroot plants receive a steady supply of nutrients.

In addition to fertilisation, mulching can greatly benefit beetroot plants. Apply a layer of organic mulch, such as straw, grass clippings, or compost, around the base of the plants. Mulching helps to conserve moisture, suppress weed growth, and regulate soil temperature. It also provides a protective barrier that prevents soil splashing on the leaves, reducing the risk of diseases.

Weed Control and Companion Planting

Weed control is essential for the health and productivity of your beetroot plants. Weeds compete for nutrients, water, and sunlight, which can hinder the growth of your beetroot crop. Regular weeding is necessary to keep the area around the plants free from unwanted vegetation.

Consider using mulch to suppress weed growth, as mentioned earlier. Additionally, hand-pulling weeds when they are small and shallow-rooted can be an effective method of weed control. Avoid using chemical herbicides in organic gardening practices.

Companion planting is another strategy to consider for beetroot plants. Certain plants can help deter pests, attract beneficial insects, or improve soil conditions. Some suitable companions for beetroot include lettuce, onions, and garlic. However, avoid planting beetroots near pole beans or dill, as they may negatively affect each other's growth.

By following these care guidelines, you can ensure that your beetroot plants thrive and produce a plentiful harvest. Remember to provide adequate water, fertilise regularly, use organic mulch for weed control, and consider companion planting for a healthy garden ecosystem. 

Harvesting and Storing Beetroot

After months of patiently tending to your beetroot plants, it's time to reap the rewards of your efforts. Harvesting and storing beetroot properly will ensure that you can enjoy the fruits of your labour for an extended period. In this section, we will discuss the signs of beetroot readiness for harvesting, proper harvesting techniques, and storage and preservation methods for beetroot.

Signs of Beetroot Readiness for Harvesting

Determining when to harvest your beetroot depends on the size and quality of the roots. Beetroots are typically ready to be harvested when they reach a desirable size, usually around 2 to 3 inches in diameter. However, you can also harvest them when they are smaller if you prefer baby beets.

To check if your beetroot is ready for harvest, gently brush away the soil around the top of the root and examine its size. The beetroot should be firm and have a vibrant colour. If the roots are larger than desired, they may become woody and lose their tenderness and flavour.

Proper Harvesting Techniques

When it comes to harvesting beetroot, it's important to handle the roots with care to prevent damage. Follow these steps for proper harvesting:

  1. Start by loosening the soil around the beetroot plants using a garden fork or trowel. Avoid stabbing the roots to prevent any cuts or injuries.
  2. Gently grasp the beetroot greens near the base and slowly pull them upward while applying slight pressure to loosen the root from the soil.
  3. Once the beetroot is out of the ground, trim off the greens, leaving about an inch of the stem intact. This helps prevent bleeding and keeps the beetroot fresh for longer.

Storage and Preservation Methods for Beetroot

Beetroot can be stored for several weeks if stored properly. Here are a few methods to consider:

  1. Refrigeration: Store unwashed beetroot in the refrigerator. Remove the greens and place the roots in a perforated plastic bag or a container lined with a damp paper towel. This helps retain moisture and prevents shrivelling. Beetroot stored this way can last up to 2-3 weeks.
  2. Pickling: If you have a surplus of beetroot, consider pickling them. This not only extends their shelf life but also adds a tangy flavour.
  3. Freezing: Beetroot can also be frozen for longer-term storage. Start by blanching the roots in boiling water for a few minutes, then quickly transfer them to an ice bath to stop the cooking process. Once cooled, peel and slice the beetroot before placing them in freezer-safe containers or bags. Frozen beetroot can last for up to 8-10 months.

Remember, storing beetroot away from ethylene-producing fruits and vegetables is essential to prevent premature spoilage. Additionally, don't forget to save some beetroot seeds from your harvest if you plan on growing them again next season. 

By following these guidelines for harvesting and storing beetroot, you can enjoy the earthy sweetness of your homegrown beets in various culinary creations throughout the year.

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