How To Grow Spinach in Australia

Quick Guide: Growing Spinach

  • Optimal Growing Temperatures: Between 10°C and 25°C.
  • Ready to Harvest: 5-11 weeks after planting.
  • Space Between Plants: Plant 20-30 cm apart.
  • Companion Plants: Cabbage, Cauliflower, Celery
  • Non-Companion Plants: None
  • Plant Type: Seed.

When to Plant Spinach in Australia

Australia Map


Spinach are not recommended to be planted in the Tropical regions are. This includes areas like Cairns, Darwin, and Broome.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec


For the Subtropical region, spinach can be planted from April to August. Cities in the Subtropical region include Brisbane, Central Coast, and Sydney.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec


Spinach can be planted year round in the Temperate regions of Australia. Cities in the Temperate region include Melbourne, Adelaide, Geelong, and Perth.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec


For the Cool region, spinach can be planted from March to October. Cities in the Cool region include alpine regions of Victoria and Tasmania.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec


Best planting months for spinach in the Arid region are May to July.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

Preparing for Spinach Planting

As I embarked on my journey of growing spinach in Australia, I quickly learned that proper preparation is key to a successful harvest. In this section, I will share the essential steps for preparing to plant spinach, including choosing the right spinach variety, selecting the ideal planting location, and preparing the soil for optimal growth.

Choosing the Right Spinach Variety

When it comes to selecting the right spinach variety, there are several options to consider. Look for varieties that are suited to the local climate and growing conditions in your area. Some popular spinach varieties that thrive in Australia include:

Spinach Variety


English Spinach

A classic variety with smooth, dark green leaves.

Baby Spinach

A tender and mild variety, harvested when leaves are young.

New Zealand Spinach

A heat-tolerant variety with fleshy leaves and a slightly tangy flavor.

Savoy Spinach

A variety with crinkled leaves, known for its attractive appearance.

Consider your personal preferences and the specific requirements of each variety when making your selection. For more information on growing specific vegetables and herbs in Australia, check out our comprehensive A-Z Grow Guides.

Selecting the Ideal Planting Location

Spinach thrives in cool weather, making it important to choose a suitable planting location. Look for a spot in your garden that receives partial shade or is exposed to morning sun and afternoon shade. This helps prevent the spinach from bolting or developing a bitter taste due to excessive heat.

Additionally, ensure that the planting location has well-draining soil to prevent waterlogged roots. If your garden has heavy clay soil, consider amending it with organic matter, such as compost or aged manure, to improve drainage. For more tips on improving soil quality, check out our article on composting.

Preparing the Soil for Spinach

Before planting spinach, it's crucial to prepare the soil to create a favourable environment for growth. Start by removing any weeds or debris from the planting area. Then, loosen the soil to a depth of at least 6 inches (15 cm) using a garden fork or tiller. This helps improve aeration and allows the spinach roots to penetrate the soil easily.

To enhance the fertility of the soil, incorporate organic matter, such as compost or well-rotted manure. These additions provide essential nutrients and improve the soil structure, aiding in water retention. Mix the organic matter thoroughly into the soil, ensuring it is evenly distributed.

Remember to water the soil before planting spinach seeds or seedlings. Moist soil promotes germination and helps establish healthy plants. After planting, maintain consistent moisture throughout the growing season, ensuring the soil remains moist but not waterlogged.

By choosing the right spinach variety, selecting an ideal planting location, and preparing the soil properly, you are setting the foundation for a thriving spinach garden. In the next section, we will dive into the process of planting and caring for spinach, guiding you through each step of the way.

Planting and Caring for Spinach

Growing spinach in Australia can be a rewarding experience. In this section, I will share my methods for planting and caring for spinach in your garden. Let's dive in!

Starting Spinach from Seeds

To start growing spinach, I recommend starting from seeds. Spinach seeds can be directly sown into the soil or started indoors in seed trays. If starting indoors, sow the seeds in a well-draining potting mix and keep them in a warm and sunny location. Once the seedlings have developed two to three true leaves, they can be transplanted into the garden.

Transplanting Seedlings

When transplanting spinach seedlings, choose a location that receives full sun or partial shade. Ensure the soil is well-draining and enriched with organic matter. Space the seedlings about 15-20 centimetres apart to allow for proper growth and airflow. Gently remove the seedlings from their containers, being careful not to damage the roots, and plant them at the same depth as they were in their containers. Water the transplanted seedlings thoroughly to help them establish in their new environment.

Watering and Fertilising Spinach

Spinach has shallow roots and requires consistent moisture to thrive. Water your spinach regularly, keeping the soil moist but not waterlogged. Aim for approximately 2.5 centimetres of water per week, adjusting based on weather conditions. Mulching around the plants can help retain moisture and reduce weed growth.

When fertilising spinach, incorporating organic matter into the soil before planting provides a good foundation. Spinach is a leafy green, so a balanced fertiliser with higher nitrogen content can be beneficial. Apply the fertiliser according to the manufacturer's instructions, ensuring not to over-fertilize as it can lead to excessive leaf growth and reduced flavor. Consider using organic fertilisers to promote healthy soil and minimise environmental impact.

By following these steps, you can establish a healthy spinach crop in your garden. Remember to monitor the moisture levels and provide adequate water and nutrients to support the growth of your spinach plants. For more information on growing vegetables and herbs in Australia, check out our other articles on how to grow silverbeet, rhubarb, and parsley.

The next section will explore effective methods for managing pests and diseases that may affect your spinach crop.

Managing Pests and Diseases

Growing spinach in Australia comes with its fair share of challenges, including dealing with pests and diseases that can affect the health and productivity of your spinach plants. In this section, I will share some insights on common pests in spinach, natural pest control methods, and identifying and treating common diseases.

Common Pests in Spinach

Spinach can attract various pests that can cause damage to the leaves and hinder growth. Here are some of the common pests you might encounter when growing spinach:




Small, soft-bodied insects that feed on plant sap, are often found clustered on new growth.

Slugs and Snails

Slimy creatures that feed on tender spinach leaves, leaving behind holes and slime trails.

Leaf Miners

Larvae of flies that tunnel through spinach leaves, creating winding trails and causing leaf damage.


are Larvae of butterflies and moths that chew on spinach leaves, leading to holes and leaf destruction.

Natural Pest Control Methods

To maintain an organic garden, it's important to employ natural pest control methods to manage these pesky creatures. Here are a few effective strategies:

  1. Handpicking: Regularly inspect your spinach plants and manually remove any pests you come across. This method works well for larger pests like caterpillars and slugs.
  2. Companion Planting: Planting pest-repellent herbs, such as basil or mint, near your spinach can help deter certain pests.
  3. Neem Oil Spray: Neem oil, derived from the neem tree, is a natural insecticide that can be diluted and sprayed on your spinach plants to control aphids and other pests.
  4. Beer Traps: For slugs and snails, create beer traps by sinking shallow containers filled with beer into the soil. These pests are attracted to the beer and will drown in the traps.

Remember to monitor your spinach plants regularly and intervene at the first signs of pest infestation to prevent widespread damage. For more information on organic pest control, check out our article on how to grow parsley in Australia.

Identifying and Treating Common Diseases

Spinach plants can also be susceptible to various diseases, which can affect their overall health and productivity. Here are a few common diseases that can affect spinach:



Downy Mildew

A fungal disease that causes yellow patches on the upper surface of leaves and a white, fuzzy growth on the undersides.

Fusarium Wilt

A soilborne fungal disease that causes wilting, yellowing, and stunted growth of spinach plants.

Leaf Spot

A bacterial or fungal disease that leads to brown or black spots on the leaves, eventually causing defoliation.

If you notice any signs of disease, it's important to take immediate action to prevent further spread. Here are some steps you can take:

  1. Proper Sanitation: Remove and destroy any infected plant material to prevent the disease from spreading to healthy plants.
  2. Crop Rotation: Avoid planting spinach in the same location year after year to reduce the risk of soilborne diseases.
  3. Fungicidal Sprays: If necessary, use organic fungicidal sprays approved for use on edible crops. Follow the instructions carefully.

By staying vigilant and implementing preventive measures, you can minimise the impact of pests and diseases on your spinach plants. Remember to practice good gardening practices, such as crop rotation and proper sanitation, to maintain healthy spinach throughout the growing season. For more information on growing other vegetables and herbs in Australia, check out our comprehensive guides on how to grow ginger in Australia and how to grow it in Australia.

Harvesting and Enjoying Spinach

After patiently nurturing your spinach plants, the time has finally come to reap the rewards of your hard work. In this section, I will guide you through the process of harvesting spinach, share some harvesting techniques, and provide you with delicious spinach recipe ideas to enjoy the fruits of your labour.

Knowing When to Harvest Spinach

Spinach leaves can be harvested at various stages, depending on your preference and the intended use. Baby spinach leaves are tender, mild, and perfect for salads, while mature leaves have more flavour and are great for cooking.

To determine the ideal time for harvest, keep an eye on the size of the leaves. Baby spinach leaves are typically ready to be harvested when they reach around 2 to 3 inches in length. If you prefer larger leaves, wait until they reach around 6 to 8 inches. Remember, regular harvesting promotes continuous growth and ensures a fresh supply of spinach throughout the growing season.

Harvesting Techniques

When it comes to harvesting spinach, you have a couple of options. One method is to selectively pick individual leaves as needed. This allows the remaining leaves to continue growing, ensuring a continuous supply of fresh spinach. To do this, simply grasp the base of the leaf near the stem and gently pull it away from the plant.

Another technique is to perform a cut-and-come-again harvest. This involves cutting the outer leaves, allowing the inner leaves to keep growing. Start by using a clean pair of scissors or garden shears to snip off the outer leaves, leaving the central part of the plant intact. This method is ideal for harvesting larger quantities of spinach at once.

Remember to handle the plants gently during the harvest to avoid damaging the delicate leaves. Place the harvested spinach leaves in a clean container or basket, being careful not to crush or bruise them.

As you embark on your spinach-growing journey, don't forget to check out our other gardening guides, such as how to grow silverbeet in Australia and how to grow rhubarb in Australia to expand your garden and culinary adventures. Happy harvesting and bon appétit!

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