How to Grow Tomatoes in Australia

Quick Guide: Growing Tomatoes in Australia

  • Optimal Growing Temperatures: Between 16°C and 35°C.
  • Ready to Harvest: 8-17 weeks after planting.
  • Space Between Plants: Ensure 40 - 60 cm apart.
  • Companion Plants: Asparagus, Carrot, Celery... See More.
  • Plants to Avoid: Rosemary, Potatoes, Cucumber... See More.
  • Plant Type: Seed.

When to Plant Tomatoes in Australia

Australia Map


Best planting months for Tomatoes in the Tropical regions are May, June, and July. This includes areas like Cairns, Darwin, and Broome.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec


For the Subtropical region, tomatoes can be planted January to February and August to December. Cities in the Subtropical region include Brisbane, Central Coast, and Sydney.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec


Tomatoes can be planted in the month of January and September to December in the Temperate regions of Australia. Cities in the Temperate region include Melbourne, Adelaide, Geelong, and Perth.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec


For the Cool region, tomatoes can be planted from October to December. Cities in the Cool region include alpine regions of Victoria and Tasmania.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec


Best planting months for tomatoes in the Arid region are January to March and August to December.

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

In this guide, we will walk you through every step of the tomato growing process, from choosing the right varieties to harvesting and storing your bountiful crop. Whether you have a spacious backyard or a small balcony, you can grow tomatoes successfully with a little bit of planning and care.

Choosing the Right Tomato Varieties

When it comes to growing tomatoes, choosing the right variety is essential for a successful harvest. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to decide which ones to plant in your home garden. In this section, we will explore the two main types of tomato varieties: determinate and indeterminate, and provide you with a list of the best tomato varieties specifically suited for home gardens.

Determinate vs. Indeterminate Varieties

Determinate varieties are often referred to as "bushy" tomatoes. These plants have a compact growth habit and tend to reach a predetermined height, typically around 3 to 4 feet. They produce their fruit all at once, making them ideal for gardeners who prefer a large harvest in a short period. Determinate varieties are also a great choice for those with limited space or who want to grow tomatoes in containers.

On the other hand, indeterminate varieties are known for their vigorous and sprawling growth. These plants continue to grow and produce fruit throughout the entire growing season until frost arrives. Indeterminate tomatoes can reach impressive heights, often exceeding 6 feet. They require staking or caging to support their sprawling vines and heavy fruit clusters. Indeterminate varieties are favored by gardeners who enjoy a continuous harvest and have ample space for their plants to spread out.

Best Tomato Varieties for Home Gardens

Now that we've discussed the difference between determinate and indeterminate varieties, let's explore some of the best tomato varieties specifically suited for home gardens. These varieties have been selected for their taste, disease resistance, and adaptability.

  1. Cherry Tomatoes: If you love snacking on sweet, bite-sized tomatoes, consider planting varieties such as Sun Gold, Sweet 100, or Yellow Pear. These cherry tomatoes are bursting with flavor and are perfect for salads, skewers, or simply popping in your mouth straight from the vine.
  2. Beefsteak Tomatoes: For those who enjoy large, juicy tomatoes perfect for slicing onto sandwiches or burgers, try varieties like Brandywine, Beefmaster, or Big Boy. These beefsteak tomatoes are known for their rich flavor and meaty texture.
  3. Roma Tomatoes: If you're planning to make homemade sauces, salsas, or tomato paste, Roma tomatoes are an excellent choice. Varieties like San Marzano and Amish Paste are known for their low water content and intense flavor, making them perfect for cooking.
  4. Heirloom Tomatoes: For gardeners who appreciate the beauty and diversity of heirloom varieties, consider planting Black Krim, Cherokee Purple, or Green Zebra. These heirloom tomatoes come in a range of colors and flavors, and each bite is like indulging in a taste of history.

Remember to consider your climate, available space, and personal preferences when selecting tomato varieties for your home garden. Additionally, don't be afraid to experiment with different varieties each season to discover new favorites.

Choosing the right tomato varieties is just the first step in your journey to mastering the art of growing tomatoes. In the next section, we will delve into preparing the soil, an essential aspect of creating optimal growing conditions for your tomato plants. Stay tuned!

Preparing the Soil

To set the stage for successful tomato growing, it's crucial to prepare the soil properly. The quality of the soil directly impacts the health and productivity of your tomato plants. In this section, we will explore the key steps involved in soil preparation, including soil testing, soil amendments, and the choice between raised bed and in-ground planting.

Soil Testing

Before planting your tomatoes, it's essential to assess the composition and pH level of your soil through a process known as soil testing. This analysis provides valuable insights into the nutrient content and acidity of the soil, enabling you to make informed decisions about necessary amendments.

A soil test typically involves collecting soil samples from different areas of your garden and sending them to a laboratory for analysis. The results will indicate the levels of essential nutrients, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium, as well as the pH level. Armed with this knowledge, you can adjust the soil composition to create optimal conditions for tomato growth.

Soil Amendments

Based on the results of your soil test, you may need to amend the soil to improve its structure, fertility, or pH level. Common soil amendments include organic matter such as compost, aged manure, or peat moss, which enhance soil structure, moisture retention, and nutrient availability.

If the pH level of your soil is too acidic or alkaline for tomatoes, you can correct it by adding materials like lime or sulfur. Adjusting the pH to the appropriate range (6.0 to 6.8) ensures that your tomato plants can efficiently absorb nutrients and ward off potential diseases.

Remember, each soil is unique, so it's important to tailor your soil amendments based on the specific needs identified through soil testing. By enriching the soil with the right balance of nutrients and improving its overall quality, you provide an ideal foundation for your tomato plants to thrive.

Raised Bed vs. In-ground Planting

Another crucial decision to make when preparing your soil for tomato cultivation is whether to opt for raised bed or in-ground planting. Both methods have their advantages and considerations, so let's explore each option.

Raised bed planting involves creating a defined, elevated growing area by constructing a wooden or metal frame and filling it with soil. This method offers several benefits, including improved drainage, better soil control, and the ability to create optimal growing conditions for your tomatoes. Raised beds also tend to warm up faster in the spring, allowing for earlier planting and extended growing seasons.

On the other hand, in-ground planting involves directly planting tomatoes in the soil without any raised structures. This traditional approach can be suitable if your garden soil is already well-draining and nutrient-rich. It requires less initial setup and can be a more cost-effective option.

When deciding between raised bed and in-ground planting, consider factors such as your gardening goals, existing soil conditions, available space, and personal preferences. Whichever method you choose, ensuring that the soil is properly prepared will set the stage for strong, healthy tomato plants and bountiful harvests.

Planting Tomatoes: Starting from Seeds, Transplanting Seedlings, and Proper Spacing and Depth

When it comes to planting tomatoes, there are a few key steps that every home gardener should be aware of. From starting seeds to transplanting seedlings, and ensuring proper spacing and depth, these tasks lay the foundation for a successful tomato harvest. Let's delve into each of these aspects in detail.

Starting from Seeds:

The journey of growing tomatoes begins with seeds. Starting tomatoes from seeds allows you to choose from a wide variety of cultivars and ensures a strong foundation for your plants. To begin, you'll need high-quality tomato seeds, which can be found at your local garden center or ordered online.

When sowing tomato seeds, it's important to follow the instructions on the seed packet. Generally, the seeds should be sown in small containers filled with a well-draining seed starting mix. Gently press the seeds into the soil, making sure they are covered with a thin layer of soil. Keep the containers in a warm and well-lit area, such as a sunny window sill or under grow lights.

As the seeds germinate and the seedlings grow, make sure to provide them with adequate water and light. Once the seedlings have developed their first set of true leaves, they are ready to be transplanted into larger containers or directly into the garden.

Transplanting Seedlings:

Transplanting seedlings is a crucial step in the tomato growing process. It allows the young plants to establish themselves in their final growing location and ensures they have enough space to spread their roots and thrive.

Before transplanting, it's important to harden off the seedlings. This involves gradually exposing them to outdoor conditions, such as sunlight, wind, and fluctuating temperatures. Start by placing the seedlings outdoors for a few hours each day, gradually increasing their exposure over the course of a week. This helps the seedlings adapt to the harsher conditions outside.

When selecting a planting location, choose a spot that receives at least six to eight hours of direct sunlight per day. Tomatoes thrive in warm and sunny conditions. If you're planting in containers, make sure they have proper drainage holes to prevent waterlogging.

Dig a hole that is deep enough to accommodate the root ball of the seedling. Gently remove the seedling from its container, being careful not to damage the delicate roots. Place the seedling in the hole, ensuring that the soil level of the transplant matches the level of the surrounding soil. Fill in the hole with soil, gently firming it around the base of the seedling.

Proper Spacing and Depth:

Proper spacing and depth are key factors in promoting healthy tomato growth. Tomatoes require enough space to allow air circulation, prevent the spread of diseases, and ensure optimal access to sunlight.

When planting tomatoes, it's important to provide ample space between each plant. This allows for better air circulation, reducing the risk of fungal diseases. Generally, tomato plants should be spaced about 2 to 3 feet apart, depending on the variety. This allows the plants to grow and spread without overcrowding each other.

In terms of depth, tomatoes should be planted with a portion of the stem buried in the soil. This encourages the development of additional roots along the buried stem, leading to a stronger and more vigorous plant. Remove the lower leaves from the stem, leaving only a few sets of leaves at the top. Gently lay the plant in the planting hole, burying the stem up to the remaining leaves.

By following these steps for planting tomatoes, you'll be well on your way to cultivating a bountiful harvest. Starting from seeds, transplanting seedlings with care, and ensuring proper spacing and depth are essential for the successful growth of your tomato plants. With a little patience and diligence, you'll soon be enjoying the fruits of your labor—ripe, juicy tomatoes straight from your own garden.

Providing Proper Care

Taking care of your tomato plants is essential to ensure healthy growth and a bountiful harvest. Proper care involves several key elements, including watering, fertilizing, pruning and training, and staking or caging.


Water is a crucial factor in tomato plant care. Adequate watering ensures that the plants receive the moisture they need to thrive. However, it's important to strike a balance, as overwatering can lead to root rot and other diseases.

To water your tomato plants effectively, observe the soil moisture. Stick your finger about an inch into the soil near the base of the plant. If it feels dry, it's time to water. Deep watering is recommended, as it encourages the roots to grow deeper into the soil.

When watering, direct the water at the base of the plants to avoid wetting the foliage. This helps prevent fungal diseases. Additionally, it's best to water in the morning to allow the leaves to dry before evening, reducing the risk of diseases caused by prolonged moisture.


Tomato plants have high nutrient requirements, so proper fertilization is essential for optimal growth and fruit production. Before planting, incorporate organic matter into the soil to improve its fertility. This can be done by adding compost or well-rotted manure.

As the plants grow, they will benefit from additional fertilization. Apply a balanced fertilizer according to the package instructions, ensuring that it contains nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Slow-release fertilizers are a convenient option, as they provide nutrients over an extended period.

Regular feeding throughout the growing season is recommended. Be cautious not to over-fertilize, as this can lead to excessive foliage growth at the expense of fruit production. Monitor the plant's response to the fertilizer and make adjustments as necessary.

Pruning and Training

Pruning and training tomato plants helps to improve airflow, reduce the risk of diseases, and increase fruit production. Remove suckers—the small shoots that develop in the leaf axils—by pinching them off with your fingers. This directs the plant's energy towards fruit production rather than vegetative growth.

Additionally, remove any yellowing or diseased leaves to prevent the spread of diseases. Prune the lower foliage to improve airflow and reduce the risk of soil-borne diseases splashing onto the leaves.

Training your tomato plants also helps to keep them upright and manageable. There are several methods to consider, such as staking or caging. Staking involves using stakes or trellises to support the plants and keep them off the ground. Caging, on the other hand, involves placing cages around the plants to provide support.

Staking or Caging

Staking and caging are both effective methods for supporting tomato plants. The choice between the two depends on personal preference and the growth habit of the tomato variety you're growing.

Staking is a popular method that involves using stakes or trellises to support the plants. This method keeps the plants upright and allows for better air circulation, reducing the risk of diseases. It also makes it easier to access the plants for pruning and harvesting.

To stake your tomato plants, drive sturdy stakes into the ground near each plant. As the plants grow, tie them loosely to the stakes using soft twine or plant ties. This helps keep the stems upright and prevents them from bending or breaking under the weight of the fruit.

Caging is another effective method that involves placing cages around the plants. This provides support and helps keep the plants contained. Cages can be purchased or made from wire mesh or fencing. Simply place the cage around the plant and secure it to the ground.

Both staking and caging have their advantages, so choose the method that works best for you and your garden. Remember that providing proper support is crucial to prevent the plants from sprawling on the ground, which can lead to fruit rot and pest problems.

By providing proper care through watering, fertilizing, pruning and training, and staking or caging, you'll set your tomato plants up for success. With these essential elements in place, you'll be well on your way to enjoying a bountiful harvest of delicious, homegrown tomatoes.

Companion Vegetables and Herbs for Tomatoes 

  • Basil: This aromatic herb not only enhances the flavour of tomatoes when planted nearby but also acts as a natural pest deterrent. Its strong fragrance helps repel harmful insects like aphids and hornworms, protecting the tomatoes from potential damage.
  • Marigolds: Known for their vibrant blooms, marigolds also serve as excellent companions for tomatoes. They act as a natural pest repellent, releasing a chemical that deters nematodes and other harmful insects from attacking the tomato plants.
  • Carrots: Carrots make great neighbours for tomatoes due to their root structure. They help break up the soil and improve its drainage, which benefits the roots of tomato plants, allowing them to access water and nutrients more effectively.
  • Chives: Chives are part of the allium family, which includes onions and garlic. When grown alongside tomatoes, chives can help repel aphids and mites, keeping these pests at bay and protecting the tomatoes from potential infestations.
  • Onions: Onions are not only a kitchen staple but also a useful companion for tomatoes. They have natural insect-repelling properties that deter harmful insects from attacking the tomatoes. Additionally, onions can provide some disease resistance to the tomato plants.
  • Garlic: Another member of the allium family, garlic, is beneficial for tomatoes due to its pest-repelling properties. When planted nearby, garlic can help deter aphids, spider mites, and other pests that might harm the tomato plants.
  • Parsley: This versatile herb is an excellent companion for tomatoes. Its presence can enhance the flavour of tomatoes, making them taste even better in various dishes. Additionally, parsley supports tomato growth by providing some shade and protection to the plants' lower portions.

Common Tomato Pests and Diseases

Growing tomatoes can be a rewarding experience for home gardeners, but it's not without its challenges. One of the biggest obstacles that gardeners face is dealing with pests and diseases that can wreak havoc on their tomato plants. In this section, we will explore the most common tomato pests and diseases, as well as provide tips on how to identify and control them.

Identifying Pests and Diseases


  1. Aphids: These tiny, soft-bodied insects can be found on the undersides of leaves, sucking the sap from the plants. They reproduce rapidly and can cause stunted growth and distorted leaves.
  2. Whiteflies: These small, winged insects congregate on the undersides of leaves and suck plant sap. They leave behind sticky honeydew, which can attract ants and encourage the growth of black sooty mold.
  3. Tomato Hornworms: These large, green caterpillars can devour entire tomato plants overnight. They are often found on the stems or the underside of leaves and can be easily identified by their distinctive horn-like tail.


  1. Early Blight: This fungal disease appears as dark, concentric circles on the leaves, stems, and fruit of tomato plants. It can cause defoliation and reduce fruit production.
  2. Late Blight: Another fungal disease, late blight causes brown, water-soaked lesions on the leaves and stems. It can spread rapidly and destroy entire plants if left unchecked.
  3. Blossom End Rot: This physiological disorder causes the bottoms of the tomatoes to turn black and leathery. It is often caused by a calcium deficiency or inconsistent watering.

Prevention and Control Measures

To keep your tomato plants healthy and prevent pests and diseases from taking hold, it's important to take proactive measures. Here are some strategies you can employ:

1.Crop Rotation: Rotate your tomato plants with other crops each year to prevent the buildup of pests and diseases in the soil. This practice disrupts the life cycle of pests and reduces the likelihood of reinfection.

2. Proper Plant Spacing: Ensure that your tomato plants are adequately spaced to promote good airflow and reduce the risk of disease transmission. Crowded plants are more susceptible to fungal infections.

3. Mulching: Apply a layer of organic mulch, such as straw or wood chips, around the base of your tomato plants. Mulch helps to conserve moisture, suppress weeds, and prevent soil-borne diseases from splashing onto the foliage.

4. Regular Inspection: Regularly inspect your tomato plants for signs of pests or diseases. Early detection is key to effective control. Remove any affected leaves or fruits promptly to prevent the spread of infection.

5. Natural Predators: Encourage beneficial insects, such as ladybugs and lacewings, to thrive in your garden. These natural predators feed on common tomato pests like aphids and whiteflies, helping to keep their populations in check.

6. Organic Sprays: If necessary, use organic sprays to control pests and diseases. Neem oil, insecticidal soap, and copper-based fungicides are effective options that are safe for the environment and won't harm beneficial insects.

By being vigilant and implementing these preventive measures, you can minimise the impact of pests and diseases on your tomato plants. Remember, a healthy plant is better equipped to resist and recover from attacks.

Now that you have a better understanding of the common tomato pests and diseases, you can take proactive steps to protect your precious tomato crop. With proper identification and timely intervention, you can ensure a bountiful harvest of delicious, homegrown tomatoes.


Harvesting and Storing Tomatoes

Once you've successfully nurtured your tomato plants from seeds or seedlings, it's time to reap the rewards of your hard work. Harvesting and storing tomatoes is a crucial step in the gardening process, as it ensures that you can enjoy the vibrant flavours of your homegrown produce long after the growing season has ended.

Knowing When to Harvest

The key to harvesting tomatoes at their peak flavour and texture lies in understanding when they are perfectly ripe. Tomatoes that are picked too early may lack the full sweetness and juiciness that we all crave, while those left on the vine for too long can become overripe and mushy.

To determine if your tomatoes are ready for harvest, there are a few telltale signs to look out for. First and foremost, observe the colour. Depending on the variety, ripe tomatoes can range from vibrant red to deep orange or even yellow. However, keep in mind that certain heirloom varieties may retain their green or striped appearance even when fully ripe.

Additionally, gently squeeze the tomato. A ripe tomato should give slightly under pressure without feeling too firm or too soft. It should also have a pleasant aroma that signifies its ripeness.

Lastly, check the stem. If the stem easily separates from the vine with a gentle twist, it's a good indication that the tomato is ready to be picked.

Proper Harvesting Techniques

Once you've identified a tomato that's ready for harvest, it's time to gather your supplies and get to work. Grab a pair of sharp garden shears or a clean knife to ensure a clean cut without damaging the plant.

Position the shears or knife just above the stem and make a quick, clean cut to detach the tomato from the vine. Avoid pulling or twisting the tomato, as this can lead to unnecessary damage.

For determinate varieties, which tend to produce a majority of their fruit at once, you may find it more efficient to harvest the entire plant in one go. However, for indeterminate varieties, which produce tomatoes throughout the growing season, it's best to harvest the ripe tomatoes individually as they mature.

As you collect your ripe tomatoes, it's important to handle them with care to prevent bruising or puncturing the delicate skin. Place them gently into a harvest basket or tray, taking care not to stack them on top of each other.

Storing and Preserving Tomatoes

Now that you've harvested your prized tomatoes, it's time to consider the best methods for storing and preserving their freshness. While there's nothing quite like biting into a sun-warmed tomato straight from the vine, you may find yourself with an abundance of tomatoes that require a longer shelf life.

One popular method for storing tomatoes is to keep them at room temperature. This allows them to continue ripening and develop even more flavour. However, be mindful of their proximity to other fruits, as some fruits release ethylene gas, which can cause tomatoes to ripen too quickly or even spoil.

If you prefer to slow down the ripening process, you can refrigerate your tomatoes. Place them in a perforated bag or container to maintain proper airflow and prevent excess moisture buildup. Just remember that refrigeration can alter the texture of tomatoes, so it's best to use them within a few days.

For those who wish to enjoy the taste of summer tomatoes throughout the year, preserving is a fantastic option. You can choose to can, freeze, or dry your tomatoes, depending on your preferences and kitchen capabilities. Canning involves sterilising jars and sealing the tomatoes in a flavourful liquid, while freezing requires blanching the tomatoes before placing them in airtight containers. Drying tomatoes involves slicing them and allowing them to dehydrate slowly, either in the oven or under the sun.

With these harvesting and storing techniques in your gardening arsenal, you can savour the deliciousness of your homegrown tomatoes well beyond the peak of the growing season. So go ahead and indulge in the vibrant flavours and versatility that fresh tomatoes bring to your culinary creations.

Troubleshooting Common Tomato Growing Issues

Growing tomatoes can be a rewarding experience for any home gardener. However, like any other plant, tomatoes can face a few challenges along the way. In this section, we will explore some common tomato growing issues and provide you with valuable tips to overcome them. Let's dive in!

Blossom End Rot

One of the most frustrating issues that tomato growers may encounter is blossom end rot. This condition manifests as dark, sunken patches at the blossom end of the fruit. It occurs due to calcium deficiency in the plant, which can be caused by inconsistent watering, excessive fertilisation, or imbalanced soil pH levels. To prevent blossom end rot, it is essential to ensure consistent moisture levels by watering deeply and regularly, while also avoiding overwatering. Additionally, maintaining proper soil fertility through regular soil testing and amendments can help alleviate this issue.


Another common problem that tomato growers may face is cracking. This occurs when the skin of the tomato fruit splits or cracks, usually after heavy rainfall or excessive watering. Cracking can also result from rapid fluctuations in temperature or inadequate calcium uptake. To prevent cracking, it is crucial to provide consistent moisture to the plants by watering evenly, especially during dry spells. Additionally, mulching around the base of the plants can help regulate soil moisture levels. Choosing crack-resistant tomato varieties can also minimise the risk of this issue. 

Yellowing Leaves

Yellowing leaves can be a sign of various problems in tomato plants. It could indicate nutrient deficiencies, such as nitrogen or magnesium, or it may be a symptom of diseases like early blight or fusarium wilt. To address yellowing leaves, it is essential to diagnose the underlying cause. Conducting a thorough inspection of the plant, including the leaves, stems, and fruits, can help identify any signs of disease or nutrient deficiencies. Proper soil fertility management, regular fertilisation, and appropriate disease control measures can help prevent yellowing leaves. 

Remember, successful tomato growing requires patience and attentiveness. By troubleshooting these common issues and implementing the suggested solutions, you can ensure healthy and thriving tomato plants in your home garden. Stay vigilant and enjoy the bountiful harvest of delicious tomatoes!

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